Starting My First Job Tomorrow

The backstory

This is a follow up to Waiting Around Due To Covid, get back to this after reading that.

What have I managed to do these last few months?

For all intents and purposes, I’m a full fledged adult now. I entered 2010 as I simultaneously entered my teens, and came out of 2020 feeling like the last decade went by so quickly. I get now why people always say that your adolescence is the only time in your life where you regularly are forced to meet new people and experience new things, without having to put in any extra effort. I feel like I’m going to miss that ease.

The job

I was campus hired by Societe Generale during August of 2019. They’re one of the three big banks in France, and I’ve been hired as a Software Engineer in Global Technology Services. Looking forward to learning and experiencing new tech, and finally starting to earn some mula.