About Me

Hi, I’m Gokul Vasudeva 👋
I enjoy keeping things organised in a cohesive manner, including data about myself. To that extent, this is my personal website / blog / showcase. I periodically update my blog with new posts, reflecting what I’m up to. I also use this website as a professional showcase, including keeping an up-to-date resume available, and a list of my personal projects and achievements.

Professionally, I’m a Computer Science Engineer, who has loved computers, including everything related to them, ever since I was exposed to them when I was about 10.

I treasure experiences new and old, and feel that life is too short to not enjoy the little things, having fun along the way. I have a strong desire to do things right the first time, which requires me to plan things out, and employ foresight, which is a double edged sword. I’ve been told my superpower 🦸 is resilience, and I’m great at coming up with names for things. I regularly ponder about philosophy, science, and our existence. I consider myself to be an optimistic realist, with a good sense of humour.

In terms of my career aspirations, my ideal career trajectory would have me working in the intersection of highly scalable distributed systems, operating systems, and production Machine Learning.

Hobbies & Interests

I mentioned above how I’ve been in love with computers and everything related to them from a young age. Naturally, most of my hobbies stem from the afformentioned love.

For the longest time, I was an enthusiast video producer / video editor. This stemmed from my fascination with creating beautiful motion, and telling a story in the process. This fascination is also why I love art in the form of movies and video. I understand that some may scoff at this, but from my pre-teens till date, the stuff I find so über cool is cool tech and computer hardware. I frequently keep myself updated on advances in computer hardware, and new tech coming out, and have picked parts and built dozens of computers for friends and family. Sticking with the above themes, naturally, I’m an avid gamer, and game tinkerer, both of which occupied major chunks of my adolescence. I still play games late night on weekends with my friends, with CSGO, Valorant, Minecraft and social/party/co-op games regularly filling the agenda.

I keep in shape by consistently playing badminton and swimming once or twice every week, and by going on hikes and treks once in a few months.

I’m a movie buff, and a massive YouTube consumer. I’ve watched my fair share of sitcoms and dramas over the years, but that’s dwindled to make time for other interests. If I were to point at one sport that I follow in any sense of the word, it would be Formula One, which I find to be quite gripping entertainment. I used to watch a ton of anime, but that’s also dwindled in recent years.

Throwing an oddball, I’m strangely interested in civil engineering and infrastructure as well as aviation, as it gives me pleasure to witness humanity advance. I also enjoy tea way more than just as much as coffee.

People keep asking me why I always introduce myself as someone who enjoys long walks on the beach. That’s just me being sarcastic, as I’m a native of Bengaluru, and have never lived near a beach in my life, let alone gone for a long walk on one. I would, however, like to.

Domain Skills

Data Structures & Algorithms


Web Dev & Security


Database & Networks


Operating Systems & OOPs


Machine Learning & AI


Misc (Most other CS fields)


Media Production


Languages & Frameworks

C & C++


Java & Python


Go & Rust


Machine Learning Libraries


Backend Technologies


JavaScript, React & GraphQL


Front End Libraries



Software Engineering Intern


Cupertino, California
2024 — Present

Search Ads | Engineering

❯❯   Championed and built a new production-ready GenAI platform for ad metrics alerting, attribution, anomaly detection and an elegant modular knowledge recall framework through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), leveraging Apple's foundation models.

❯❯   Set up associated OAuth, pipelines for containerization and CI/CD using Jenkins and Spinnaker for production deployments to EKS.

Graduate Student

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona
2023 — Present

Master of Science | Computer Science

❯❯   Foundations of Algorithms, Distributed and Multiprocessor operating systems, Multimedia Web Database, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Data Intensive Systems for Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Security, Mobile Computing, Data Processing at Scale.

Member of Technical Staff 4


Bengaluru, Karnataka
2023 — 2023

SpotIQ | Backend + Frontend + ML Engineer

❯❯   ThoughtSpot is a fast paced BI product company solving natural language search and leveraging Generative AI to unearth insights from data. I was responsible for SpotIQ, ThoughtSpot's AI engine, building and scaling ML based insight generation.

❯❯   By the end of my tenure, I drove technical decision making and led efforts to re-architect SpotIQ, with 300+ PRs in one year.

❯❯   Working in multiple frontend, backend and ML stacks, I integrated DataRobot end-to-end into ThoughtSpot. Expanded our in-house AutoML engine Cortex to support multi-tenant containerization, designed the data caching layer, data transport and all major flows.

❯❯   Designed contextual key driver analysis explaining unexpected changes in customer metrics; leveraged GPT LLMs for prompt engineering insight narratives. Drastically cut down SpotIQ tech debt, resulting in team-wide productivity improvements.

Member of Technical Staff 3


Bengaluru, Karnataka
2022 — 2023

SpotIQ | Backend + Frontend + ML Engineer

❯❯   Incubated and built SpotIQ Cortex, a highly scalable general-purpose time series forecasting and anomaly detection service with MLOps for heterogeneous model orchestration, model ensembling, invalidation and retraining on new data ingress.

❯❯   Cortex allowed us to dynamically forecast and predict customer KPIs, enabling anomaly based alerting and better insights.

❯❯   Conceptualized and implemented custom time period comparison and live monitoring on non-Gregorian time series KPIs.

Member of Technical Staff 2


Bengaluru, Karnataka
2021 — 2022

SpotIQ | Backend + Frontend Engineer

❯❯   Made major improvements to SpotIQ's C++ codebase including error tolerance and test coverage. Caught and fixed a large number of critical bugs, allowing for new use cases by increasing query efficiency over CDWs along with SpotIQ's reliability.

❯❯   Developed SpotIQ's V2 experience in Java, took ownership of Comparative and R Analysis. Improved schema management in a cron scheduler written in Go. Reduced build times by optimizing rule execution in Bazel. Wrote Jenkins pipelines for data ETL.

Software Engineer

Societe Generale

Bengaluru, Karnataka
2020 — 2021

Digital Workplace Services | Fullstack Developer

❯❯   Built an analytics platform on Azure. Created a quiz and survey platform on the MERN stack with asynchronous session persistence.

Undergraduate Student

PES University

Electronic City Campus, Bengaluru, Karnataka
2016 — 2020

Bachelors of Engineering | Computer Science & Engineering

❯❯   Relevant courses I took included Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Structures, File Structures, Computer Networks, OOPs, Design Patterns, Operating Systems, DBMS, Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Information & Network Security and Web Development.

Lead Video Producer | Director

Biz Doors

Bengaluru, Karnataka
2015 — 2016

❯❯   A side-gig during my 12th grade. Was in charge principle photography, creative direction and editing in the production of videos for corporate clients.

PC Building

Self Employed

Bengaluru, Karnataka
2013 — 2015

❯❯   A side-hustle while I was in High School. Researched, picked, and assembled parts along with troubleshooting and setup for friends, family and acquaintances.

Achievements & Awards

Cortex - Mine actionable insights on key metrics from freshly ingested data

US Patent and Trademark Office

Co-invented Cortex, a novel paradigm for anomaly detection through time series forecast deviations and AutoML.

R&D Excellence Award


Took strong ownership of SpotIQ. Was consistent on high impact deliverables with diligence, customer empathy and agility.

1st Place

InGenius Hackathon

Built an Android app that utilized Google Maps APIs to find an ideal meet up location considering time-to-reach.

Most Social Outgoing Student

Bethany Junior College

Awarded for good peer interaction.

Excellence in Computer Programming & Technical Expertise

Bethany Junior College

Awarded for IT work and troubleshooting during my 12th grade.

Honorary Award

HP Enterprise Code Wars

Solved the toughest problem in the shortest time, competing against 300+ peers.

Computer Science Topper

Bethany High School

For my performance during my 10th grade board exams.